Page No. 1

Q.1 Enzymes helps in:

A. Respiration

B. Reproduction

C. Immune System

D. Digestion of Food

Q.2 Name the element which is common in all acids:

A. Chlorine

B. Sulphur

C. Hydrogen

D. Oxygen

Q.3 The noble gas that is present in the largest amount in the air we breathe is:

A. Helium (He)

B. Neon (Ne)

C. Argon (Ar)

D. Xenon (Xe)

Q.4 The name of the muscle found at the top of the arm and shoulder is:

A. quadriceps

B. latissimus

C. trapezius

D. deltoid

Q.5 The part of atmosphere in which commercial aircrafts usually fly:

A. thermosphere

B. troposphere

C. mesosphere

D. stratosphere

Q.6 In animals, the principal role of ___________ is as an Antioxidant.

A. vitamin A

B. vitamin D

C. vitamin E

D. vitamin B

Q.7 Name the largest moon in our solar system:

A. Eirene

B. Callirrhoe

C. Amalthea

D. Ganymede

Q.8 "Labrador" is famous breed of:

A. Horses

B. Cats

C. Dogs

D. Cows

Q.9 The duodenum is part of the _________ in the human body.

A. Reproductive system

B. Nervous system

C. Digestive system

D. Circulation system

Q.10 Which of the following is the only food that does not get spoiled?

A. Honey

B. Cheese

C. Yougert

D. Butter

Q.11 The discovery of radium in 1998, led to the invention of:

A. camera

B. x-ray machine

C. missile

D. mobile phone

Q.12 Bio-fuels are source of energy derived from:

A. Humans

B. Sun

C. Air and Water

D. Plants and Animals

Q.13 Which of the following is used in pencil?

A. Phosphorus

B. Graphite

C. Silicon

D. Charcoal

Q.14 Which synthetic fibre is known as artificial silk?

A. Nylon

B. Cotton

C. Rayon

D. Terylene

Q.15 Which of the following is not a gland?

A. Stomach

B. Liver

C. Pancreas

D. Gastrine

Q.16 Washing soda is the common name of:

A. Sodium bicarbonate

B. Potassium carbonate

C. Sodium carbonate

D. Aluminum oxide

Q.17 What is the normal body temperature?

A. 92.7 degrees Fahrenheit

B. 72.5 degrees Fahrenheit

C. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

D. 84.3 degrees Fahrenheit

Q.18 Numismatics is the study of:

A. Coins and Currency

B. Dogs and Cats

C. Ocean and Rivers

D. Deserts and Forests

Q.19 Hasan Ibn al-Haytham was a Muslim Arab sientist, his most famous contribuation in the field of:

A. Medicine

B. Optics

C. Geometry

D. Astronomy

Q.20 All of the following are non metallic minerals except:

A. Platinum

B. Sulphur

C. Phosphorus

D. Asbestos

Q.21 The main chemical substance present in the bones and teeth of animals is:

A. Calcium nitrate

B. Calcium Sulphate

C. Calcium Oxalate

D. Calcium Phosphate

Q.22 An Eggshell is made almost entirely of:

A. Iron

B. phosphorus

C. Protien

D. None of these

Q.23 Which among the following is vitamin?

A. Acetic acid

B. Ascorbic acid

C. Tartaric acid

D. Citric acid

Q.24 Which is the fastest revolving planet in our solar system?

A. Neptune

B. Uranus

C. Mercury

D. Venus

Q.25 Glycolysis is a process of:

A. Photosynthesis

B. Reproduction

C. Transpiration

D. Respiration

Questions per page: Showing 25-50 of 172 Questions