Page No. 1

Q.1 Mushroom is the example of:

A. algae

B. fungi

C. ferns

D. coniferns

Q.2 Virus is the word of _______language.

A. Roman

B. Greek

C. Latin

D. English

Q.3 Spinach (Palak) is a good source of:

A. Vitamin K

B. Vitamin B

C. Vitamin A

D. Vitamin D

Q.4 Yuri Gagarin was a pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space, he was from________.

A. Germany

B. Russia

C. Japan

D. France

Q.5 Sponges have in their bodies:

A. spots

B. thorns

C. stings

D. pores

Q.6 When someone receives an “eye transplant,” they are being given a donor _______.

A. Retina

B. cornea

C. Optic nerve

D. Iris

Q.7 The fuel carried by a rocket consist of

A. Kerosene oil

B. Petrol

C. Natural oil

D. All of these

Q.8 Epiphyte, also called air plant, any plant that grows upon ____________.

A. another plant

B. together

C. in sand

D. in water

Q.9 A substance that protects the body against cancer is:

A. inferno

B. penicillin

C. interferon

D. insulin

Q.10 Basalt is common example of:

A. Extrusive Rocks

B. Intrusive Rocks

C. Sedimentary Rocks

D. Metamorphic Rocks

Q.11 A chemical equation represents:

A. chemical formula

B. physical change

C. chemical change

D. chemical reaction

Q.12 Egg yolks, Cod liver oil and Milk are the good source of Vitamin:

A. D

B. B

C. A

D. E

Q.13 A sexual reproduction in plants is also known as_______.

A. vegetative reproduction

B. sexual reproduction

C. bisexual reproduction

D. rapid reproduction

Q.14 Vertebrates are the animals that have _______ in their bodies.

A. backbones

B. structure

C. skull

D. skins

Q.15 The adult human brain weighs on average about ________.

A. 0.5 kg

B. 0.8 kg

C. 1.3 kg

D. 1.5 kg

Q.16 The amount of actual water vapour of air is known as:

A. Dew point

B. Relative humidity

C. Condensation point

D. Absolute humidity

Q.17 Female part of the flower is:

A. Stamen

B. Carpel

C. Stigma

D. Style

Q.18 What is the minimum distance required to hear an echo?

A. 20 m

B. 17 m

C. 13 m

D. 22 m

Q.19 The fuel carried by a rocket consist of

A. Kerosene oil

B. Petrol

C. Natural oil

D. All of these

Q.20 Which planet of the solar system has the shortest year?

A. Uranus

B. Mars

C. Venus

D. Mercury

Q.21 All moving objects have ______ energy.

A. Potential

B. Kinetic

C. Chemical

D. None of these

Q.22 '0' Fahrenheit to Celsius is:

A. -17.7

B. -14.4

C. -11.5

D. -09.2

Q.23 "Beaufort scale" is used to measure:

A. drop size distribution

B. air and sea surface temperature

C. Wind velocity

D. solar radiation

Q.24 Na is the symbol of:

A. Thorium

B. Sodium

C. Radium

D. Chromium

Q.25 Water absorbed by the roots, rises up in the stem through:

A. axillary bud

B. tubules

C. xylem vessel

D. phloem vessels

Questions per page: Showing 25-50 of 252 Questions